Painting with Candy

Painting with Candy

It’s the time of the year where more candy is in the house that you may wish. We don’t often use food in art projects at school because we want to encourage treating food respectfully. However, this art project idea stood out as way to use unwanted sugary candy. At, Deborah offers step-by-step instructions to sort sort M&M’s candy and turn it into watercolor paints. This looks like a great project to do at home with left over candy. Perhaps you could do a color mixing experiment if you don’t have the quantities shown in the blog photos. Since we don’t eat paint, this might lead to a discussion about why we don’t (or only eat a limited amount of) sweets that also functions as paints. 😀...

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Musical Performance

Musical Performance

Students at Winfield Children’s House were singing along to their favorite ukulele band, Dos Eckies, on Friday, March 7, 2013. The children from toddlers to Kindergarten were a wonderful audience at a concert given by Kris and Joel. Our preschool teacher, Kate, joined in on guitar for a few songs. Joel is a luthier who specializes in building ukuleles, so he brought a few models to show us how ukuleles can vary in shape and size. The children sang along to favorite tunes, like “The Wheels on the Bus” and “Yellow Submarine.” They also practiced how to be a polite audience by listening to some of the songs that Joel and Kris brought, like “Teddy Bear.” The children were fascinated by Joel’s musical saw. He brought it in a violin case, and the children guessed what might be inside. They were quite surprised to see a saw and even more surprised to hear the eerie sounds it made when Joel played it with a bow. Joel reminded us not to try this at home! The students at Winfield Children’s House enjoyed hosting our special guests. The students in the Children’s House visited the playroom in two groups to hear the concert. Kris and Joel brought their show to the Toddler House for our younger friends to enjoy, as well. Thanks to Dos Eckies for a great...

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New Media and Preschool Math

New Media and Preschool Math

Screen-based learning is gaining a lot of attention as young people are growing up surrounded by their parents’ and increasingly their own personal media devices. Many software developers are creating educational apps and internet-based learning games. What does this mean for preschool math education? How can teachers and parents evaluate the merit of these programs?

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