Montessori Kindergarten Year: New Video

Montessori Kindergarten Year: New Video

Are you wondering about the value of a Kindergarten year at Winfield Children’s House? Many families choose this option to provide continuity to a child’s experience in the Preschool classroom. There are many benefits that this continuity provides, both socially and academically. The American Montessori Society produced a new video describing the learning that takes place in the Montessori Kindergarten year. It is only three minutes and features beautiful video of early childhood classrooms in Colorado, Massachusetts and New York. Please take a peek!...

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Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

  Our school year is off to a great start! We are pleased to welcome new families to all of our programs this year. The teachers and children have enjoyed greeting children who are returning to their classrooms for a second year or transitioning from Bambini to the Toddler House or from the Toddler House to the Children’s House. The children are learning the routines of the classrooms and new friendships are forming. We invite all families to join us for Curriculum Night this evening from 6:30-7:30pm. This is an opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers to learn more about the Montessori curriculum and the units of study for the year in each classroom. We hope that you will regularly visit the Winfield Children’s House blog this year. We will post information and photographs about school events and link to articles from other websites that may be of interest to families. We welcome your feedback!  ...

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Mindfulness in Education

Mindfulness in Education

  Last week, the Parenting for Peace group at the Friends School of Portland hosted an evening lecture entitled “In the Moment: Mindfulness for Families and Educators.” The event was held at the University of Southern Maine. It featured Kathryn Brynes and Irene McHenry. Brynes is a professor of education at Bowdoin College. McHenry is Director of the Friends Council of Education, in Philadelphia. What role does mindfulness play in raising children? There is a growing body of research suggesting that family members and caregivers who engage in mindful practices feel more satisfaction and less stress. The speakers gave examples of mindfulness in practice and encouragement to parents and educators to explore this area of self-awareness. Many educators and parents are beginning to teach the skills of mindfulness to the next generation. Susan Kaiser Greenland is one such educator. She is the founder of the Inner Kids Foundation and author of The Mindful Child. Here is a link to a TED talk by Susan Kaiser Greenland entitled ‘Teaching the ABCs of Attention, Balance and Compassion.”  Hope you enjoy this reference and have a safe and happy holiday...

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Happy May Day!

Happy May Day!

  A tradition at Winfield Children’s House is to hold a May Pole Dance and celebration on May Day. This year, we held our May Pole Dance on Friday, May 2. A local dance instructor brings a beautiful May Pole and a sound system for playing traditional English and Irish music. She teaches the dance to each primary classroom. The children from the Bambini and Toddler programs come to play musical instruments and watch the preschoolers and Kindergarteners perform the dance to wind the ribbons around the pole. This is a wonderful way to celebrate the season and build community at our...

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Montessori Kindergarten Year

Montessori Kindergarten Year

Many parents wonder about the value of  the 3rd year of Montessori early childhood education. At Winfield Children’s House, we offer a state-approved Kindergarten program for the child’s third and final year in the Primary/Preschool classroom. We field a lot of questions about the Kindergarten year at registration time from current families. It is also helpful for families who are considering Montessori as a prospective preschool program to learn more about the 3rd year. One of the articles we share with parents is now available online at the International Montessori Council. Click this link to read more about the Montessori Kindergarten...

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Montessori’s Youngest Students: Infants and Toddlers

Montessori’s Youngest Students: Infants and Toddlers

Interest is building in our new program for infants ages 6-16 months. The Bambini program for infants is offered for full and part-time enrollment. The classroom is carefully and beautifully designed to allow freedom of movement and respect for the child’s natural rhythms. The educators are nurturing and caring and hold certification as Montessori infant/toddler guides. For deeper insight into the Montessori infant and toddler environments at Winfield Children’s House, we are sharing from an article  in the January 2014 issue of Tomorrow’s Child Magazine, the magazine for Montessori families. “Montessori’s Youngest Students: Infants and Toddler” by Terri Sherrill Dr. Montessori wrote: “If the human personality is one at all stages of its development, we must conceive of a principle of education that has regard for all stages.” Rather than relying on preconceived notions about the early years of life, she brought her medical knowledge of anatomy and neurology to her observations of childhood. She realized that many of the previous assumptions and responses to children were actually in direction conflict with human biology, and when provided environments that were in harmony with the process of development, much of what adults had perceived to be “misbehavior” in children….simply fell away. Montessori was one of the first to understand that the brain (as well as the body) was still in the process of formation for the first few years after we are born – and that lasting outcomes are highly dependent on our physical encounters and experiences during the period. Through a profound respect for the biological laws of nature and for the unique genetic blueprints, drives and gifts of each individual, Dr. Montessori sought to understand and provide children with their daily requirements for health and well-being. Applied Science A parent’s ears will often perk up when children get a little too quiet. They know this means, more often then not, that “the kids must really be getting into something!” Making a study of what children universally “get into,” Dr. Montessori discovered many sensitive periods of brain development (the time when millions of neurons are being ‘programmed’ to perceive the stimulus found in their immediate surroundings, and the cognitive architecture for thought and action is being created). She wrote, “None of these sensitivities occupies the whole period of development…While it lasts, there is an outpouring of energy.” Instead of thwarting a child’s drives, Dr. Montessori provided appropriate means for their healthy expression. She noted that industrialization had radically altered the childhood experiences that had naturally occurred for millennia; therefore, she worked to synthesize and restore vital experiences replete with physiological benefits and implicit information. Indeed, speaking similarly, Sally Goddard Blythe, Direction of the Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology warned in...

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