Events at Winfield Are Posted on our Online Calendar

At Winfield Children’s House, there are many events and activities to remember. We wanted to have a reference for families that is available online at anytime, in addition to our monthly calendars that we send via email to enrolled families. Please bookmark to access our calendar. Please note that our calendar app is a little quirky in that it starts on Monday, so make sure to glance up to check the day of the week.      ...

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Our Newest Program for The Littlest Montessorians

Our Newest Program for The Littlest Montessorians

We currently have openings in our Bambini program, which is designed for children aged 6 to 16 months. This program is designed around the belief that infants are born with tremendous potential eager to learn, explore, and try new things. The classroom, in light of the infant’s need for routine and consistency, allows for freedom of movement while gently stimulating the naturally curious infant. A flexible schedule allows each child to eat, sleep, or play according to his or her own unique internal rhythm. The activities support and encourage language development, practical life skills, eye/hand coordination, along with gross and fine motor abilities in a warm and loving environment. The ratio of children to adults does not exceed 4:1 with each child assigned to one primary teacher. The teacher monitors that child’s schedule and communicates eating, sleeping, and activity patterns on a daily basis. This certified program is staffed by Montessori educated, bright and caring adults to assist the infants in developing strong, loving, trusting relationships and attachments that will help prepare them socially and emotionally for adulthood. You’re welcome to schedule a personal visit by calling Judi at 207-797-8101 or by emailing us at...

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