Article: Kids’ Yoga for Bedtime

Looking for a new resource for ideas and activities for your child? Kiwi magazine‘s tagline is “growing families the natural and organic way.”
This article on yoga for bedtime suggests some wind-down poses that can help a child settle into the bedtime routine.
Kiwi has a toungue-in-cheek feel to its website. The articles are organized under the headers Happy, Healthy, Caring and Yummy. You just might find yourself clicking around for a while.
Some other interesting health articles we found:
Stay Healthy Indoors: Tips on preventing cold and flu and what to do to keep your house healthy when a family member is ill.
Turn Your Kid Into a Germ Warrior: Germs are an abstract concept, so these tips are helpful for inspiring your child to use a tissue and keep moving in the colder months
Happy reading!