Michael Olaf on the Home Environment

Michael Olaf is a company specializing in materials for homes and schools that fit the Montessori philosophy. The company started as a mail-order catalog and has moved to an online store model. The print catalogs have some great articles about Montessori education from ages birth-12 and can still be ordered from the website. As the company moved towards an online only model, they began publishing newsletters on different topics. These newsletters have a wealth of information for parents and teachers interested in the Montessori approach.
At Winfield Children’s House, one question we often hear is, “How can I bring Montessori to my child at home?” The newsletter from November 2010 gives a great overview of some ideas to consider when incorporating the Montessori philosophy into the home. At the bottom of the newsletter page, you can see a listing of all of the past Michael Olaf newsletters. For children who love exploring the natural world, don’t miss the excellent May 2012 newsletter about Montessori biology.