Welcome Back!

Our school year is off to a great start! We are pleased to welcome new families to all of our programs this year. The teachers and children have enjoyed greeting children who are returning to their classrooms for a second year or transitioning from Bambini to the Toddler House or from the Toddler House to the Children’s House. The children are learning the routines of the classrooms and new friendships are forming.
We invite all families to join us for Curriculum Night this evening from 6:30-7:30pm. This is an opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers to learn more about the Montessori curriculum and the units of study for the year in each classroom.
We hope that you will regularly visit the Winfield Children’s House blog this year. We will post information and photographs about school events and link to articles from other websites that may be of interest to families.
We welcome your feedback!